
get health coverage now

About ACA "Obamacare"

Important Facts About the Affordable Care Act

  • 4 in 5 consumers will be able to find a plan for $10 or less
  • The ACA “Obamacare” covers more people than ever. Over 20 Million People!
  • The America Rescue Plan provides additional subsidies, so you pay little to no premium for health plans
  • Young people can stay on their parents plan until they turn 26.
  • People with pre-existing conditions are protected, insurance companies can’t deny coverage based on a persons health status
  • Most insurance plans cover preventative services. Colonoscopies, mammograms, flu shot and more services are provided at no cost
  • Women and Children get better coverage than ever, maternity care, birth control and other services are covered 

Affordable Plans

4 out of 5 consumers get a plan for less than $10 month.

Quality Coverage

Every plan offered is through a trusted health insurance carrier with a long history of providing quality coverage.

Experienced Agents

Having an experienced agent in your corner to enroll you in the best plan for you and your family saves you time and money.